Strategies For Comforting Your Child's Concerns About Acupuncture

Acupuncture treatment can prove to be an effective type of therapy for treating a wide range of health issues that your child may be experiencing. Common children's health issues such as ear infections, allergies, and assorted aches and pains can all be improved through acupuncture. When you tell your child that you'd like to take him or her for an acupuncture session, the child may understandably be concerned about the idea of being poked with tiny needles. While you can explain that the process doesn't cause pain and, instead, will help with the health issue, your child may still experience a little trepidation. Here are some strategies that you can use to comfort these concerns.

Watch Online Videos

An effective way to improve your child's familiarity and comfort with acupuncture is to watch some online videos together. There are scores of informative clips that show practitioners treating patients. When your child will see that the patients are lying in a relaxed manner and aren't reacting when the needles are poked into their skin, it can help to lessen any concerns. Many of these videos will emphasize how acupuncture doesn't hurt; while the patient may feel a small poke at the time of the needle being inserted, it's not a pain that endures.

Have The Child Attend An Appointment With You

If you're considering acupuncture for your child, there's a strong probability that you've experienced this type of treatment and were pleased with the results. It's advantageous to have your child attend an acupuncture appointment with you. Seated next to the table, your child can watch as the practitioner uses needles on your body, and you'll be able to assure your child that you're not in any pain during this process. You can also talk about the enjoyment of relaxing while the needles are in place.

Give The Child A Chance To Ask Questions

When you finally take the child to see the acupuncturist, give the child a chance to ask some questions at the start of the treatment. You may also wish to let the practitioner know in advance that your child is a little nervous. Although the child may be shy, the health practitioner should be gentle and receptive, allowing the child to voice any concerns that he or she may have. The child may wish to know where the needles will be placed; something as simple as this information can make your child feel more comfortable about the appointment.
