No Bones About It: 5 Important Ways Chiropractic Care Is Good For The Elderly

Getting older may come with many perks, like having fun with grandchildren and traveling the world leisurely, but it also, unfortunately, may come with a lot more aches and pains. One safe and effective method of treating the typical bone, joint, and muscle issues the elderly face is regular chiropractic care. For the unique needs faced by the aging population, this form of remedy is preferable to harsh and addictive drugs, not to mention invasive surgery—both of which usually create additional complications for patients.

1. Immediate Relief From Chronic Pain

Chiropractic treatments actually address the root causes of pain, as opposed to simply covering them up, the way medicines can. Whether someone is suffering with a grueling subluxation (misalignment somewhere in the spine), fighting through the intense pain of sciatica, or battling arthritis, chiropractic care can increase circulation, as it decreases the swelling, spasms, and stiffness associated with common ailments in the elderly.

2. Improved Balance To Minimize The Risk Of Falling

Most older people fear falling, whether they have underlying medical conditions or not. A fall could mean an extended stay in a hospital environment, with subsequent exposure to germs and other microbes, possibly leading to sepsis, a deadly infection of the blood. Additionally, a particularly frail person may not be physically capable of recuperating from a long stay in bed, with little movement allowed. 

A chiropractor can work on the neck to alleviate the dizziness that may lead to falls, but they can also reach deeper, such as to the inner-ear, where many problems with imbalance originate. 

3. A Greater Range Of Motion To Keep Moving

Hip and knee complications often plague an aging body, limiting movement, along with causing pain. Manipulations may realign important elements in the spine and joints, to restore pain-free mobility. There's a catch-22 involved with pain and aging, where movement is necessary for improvement, but that movement hurts, and that's where a chiropractor can be of real assistance.

4. Less Degeneration Of Nagging Joints

By creating a situation where movements of the spine are more fluid and produce less friction, inflammation (of the joints, especially) is reduced, thereby slowing the degeneration that leads to more pain and friction.

5. Higher Living Quality, Which May Keep An Elderly Person In Their Own Home Longer

The stronger, more flexible, resilient, and balanced a body is, the more apt the person is to be able to stay in their own home, and that is the goal of nearly every person reaching their golden years. They don't want to be forced into a nursing home or assisted living, so helping them to be at their best will be a priority for their chiropractic caregiver. 

Chiropractic care for elderly patients is generally a very safe and effective alternative to treatments like prescription painkillers and surgery. It's a gentle, customized, and caring way to feel more comfortable in an aging body, and that's crucial to being able to enjoy those enviable golden years. 
